Return Policy


Big Creek Products (dba Parti Buoy) Return Policy


All products are eligible for return up to 30 days from the date of the original sales receipt/invoice. We will NOT accept returns after 30 days. This does not apply to warranty replacement/repairs – see warranty policy.


For a full and complete refund, all items must be returned in the original packaging and be in resalable condition.


Items not meeting the above requirements are subject to refusal or a reduced refund amount based solely upon our inspection and discretion.


Return shipping fees are the responsibility of the customer. Refunds are for the value of the product less the less the original cost of shipping. If an item is shipped with “Free Shipping” and it is returned, the buyer will be charged the original cost to ship the item(s) and that amount will be deducted from any refund.


Items that arrive damaged or are shipped incorrectly will be handled on a case by case basis with no restocking charges. All damaged or incorrectly shipped orders must be identified and communicated within 14 days of original sales receipt/invoice.


Return Process


Call or email for a Return Authorization and RMA number. RMA number must be issued within 30 days of original invoice/sales receipt. Return item must be received within 30 days of issuance of the RMA number. Items returned without an RMA # will be refused and/or no refund given.


Upon satisfactory inspection, refunds will be issued less applicable charges to the same payment method used for purchase. Refund process may take up to 15 days to process.